
During all the implementation phase of EVOLVET, partner organisations involved on it designed, applied and evaluated different toolkits focused on the vocational education and training of volunteer coordinators on development projects (which skills and competences were also defined by the project partners through an initial research on the field). This was not only possible thanks to a transnational cooperative work of professionals, but also through a constant exchange of practices about their on-going programmes for volunteer coordinators on their organisations and different transnational training events. All the knowledge, materials, methodologies and outputs of these experiences have been collected on this manual that was published at the end of the project and will be maintained online on the website of EVOLVET to guide those interested on establishing regular training programmes for volunteer coordinators within their local activities or organisations.

About the use of the project manual

The manual is divided on three separate toolkits containing different information about issues related to the vocational education and training of volunteer coordinators and managers on development projects.

Each toolkit is divided in:
  • Introduction to the toolkit: brief summary of the toolkit content.
  • Toolkit theory: explanation of the pedagogical approach, description of the toolkit topics and basic knowledge to be transferred to its potential users and their beneficiaries.
  • Toolkit practice: exercises mixing formal and non formal methodologies to transfer in a practical way all the theoretical content included on each toolkit’s theory.

Besides this basic structure that can be seen on each toolkit, the reader will be also able to find other elements that will facilitate the use of this material and its understanding:

  • These green boxes contain the link to the specific exercise or practice related to a concrete parragraph or theoretical content of the toolkit.
  • These orange boxes contain external links to references or documents that could be suitable to consult by the manual reader to understand its content better or increase the knowledge on it.
  • These blue boxes contain tips, recommendations or quotations related to a concrete parragraph or theoretical content mentioned on each toolkit.

Out of these regular sections, the manual also contains a full bibliography at its end and a section related to the authorship, ownership and legal use of this output.

Here you can find and download the manual of EVOLVET focused on the education of volunteer coordinators' trainers. 

(Click on the image to access to the English version of the manual)

Find also here the Spanish version of the manual.