Fourteen project coordinators and material developers of EVOLVET will join together from the 27/11/2016 to the 30/11/2016 to participate on the third transnational meeting of this project funded under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
The main aim of this activity will be to evaluate the previous stages of EVOLVET and especially the workshops that have been developed on the last months on the seven partner countries of the project. Thanks to these local activities, potential trainers of volunteer coordinators in development projects have been educated with two main objectives. On the one side, to provide them new skills and competences for improving their work and role as trainers of volunteer coordinators. On the other side, the workshops have made possible to test, evaluate and improve the learning materials created by the staff of EVOLVET and designed on previous stages of the project. All the results obtained during this process will be shared by all the project representatives in this meeting in Poland in order to agree the final content on the project intellectual outputs and set the next steps to complete within the partnership. The activity will be also useful to get to know the local team of the Polish partner of the project and the programmes run by this entity on the area.
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